lividus Slender-horned Leatherbug
Family: Coreidae
large and distinctive squashbug; the dark eyestripe and pale edges to
the base of the corium are useful and consistent
Following adult emergence and
mating in the spring, larvae can be found June-August feeding on various herbaceous legumes such as clovers, vetches and trefoils in dry open habitats such as
grasslands, sand dunes and gravel pits.
A local species which is
rarely common; largely confined to southern and central England as far north as Yorkshire, although rare in the west and absent from Wales.
Adult: All year
9-11 mm
Adult: east London (August 2010) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: east London (August 2010) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: Norfolk (June 2008) ©Elizabeth Grimes
Adult: east London (August 2010) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: east London (August 2010) ©Tristan Bantock
Late instar nymph: east London (August 2010) ©Tristan Bantock
Late instar nymph: Dorset (July 2010) ©Mark Dunkling