dalmanii Dalman's
Family: Coreidae
small squashbug is characterised by the long, pale-sided pronotum (much
longer than wide). The head, antennae and pronotum lack spines and
there are two wedge-shaped black markings on the scutellum. Adults are
rather slow-moving and fly only rarely.
This species feeds on Sheep's Sorrel Rumex acetosella and nymphs can be found
June-August, feeding on the seeds. There may be two generations
per year.
A very scarce species although
showing signs of recent increase. Mainly confined to heathland in
southern England (Norfolk
- Dorset) favouring warm and sparsely vegetated areas where the
foodplant occurs. It has also been recorded from acid
breckland and sand dunes.
Adult: All year
5.0-6.5 mm
Adult: west London (June 2009) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: east London (August 2008) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: east London (August 2008) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: east London (June 2010) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: west London (June 2009) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: east London (September 2009) ©Tristan Bantock
Adult: east London (August 2008) ©Tristan Bantock
Late instar nymph: east London (August 2008) ©Tristan Bantock
Late instar nymph: east London (June 2009) ©Tristan Bantock